Friday, February 29, 2008

Mint Lassi

Lassi is one thing everyone in my family loves any time of the year. It is even more tasty on sunny days but are good in the winters too. Yesterday was one of those sunny days i was longing for. As i reached home i felt the weather was too hot and i just enjoyed the sun in my patio. My husband took my daughter to the near by pond and i got some time for myself and thought of making Lassi. During one of my blog trots i came across Mint Lassi. I don't remember the exact post but i just remembered that it had mint in Lassi. So i made my version of Mint Lassi. Recipe is below.

1 Glass Curds(I used home made Curds)
2 Glasses Water.
Few Mint Leaves
A pinch of Ginger
1 Chili
Salt to Taste
Half a Lemon

Mash the ginger, mint leaves and chili in a mortar. In a blender add the curds water and the mashed ginger, mint and chili. Add salt and lemon and blend it in the blender. Filter the liquid and your tasty mint lassi is ready.

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