Monday, November 19, 2007

Bagara Baingan

Of late I have been trying to make it a habit to go to the Sunday Farmer's Market at my place. I get fresh vegetables and my daughter enjoys the outing. Yesterday during my visit to the farmers market, I found this great sale of egg plants. I got 5 big, very fresh egg plants for just a dollar. I grabbed them without any second thoughts. But the unfortunate thing is that my husband just loathes Egg plant and if I will have to cook it I would be the only one eating it(My daughter also doesn't seem to like it. But I hope she will like it as she grows up.). Luckily for me some my of husband's colleagues were supposed to come for dinner and I thought I would make this Bagara Baingan curry with the Egg Plants that I got at the Farmer's Market. I quickly goggled and found a few recipes and here's my version.

Egg Plants(8 small ones)
I used two of the large ones. I cut them into four large chunks and put three small splits into each of the four chunks.
Ground nuts hand full
Til Seeds(Nuvvulu) - 4 spoons
Jeera Seeds
Chilli Powder
Jeera Seeds
Seesame Seeds
Urad Daal

Roast the grounds nuts, Nuvvulu and the Jeera seeds and keep them aside. Cut the onions and then roast them with the ginger garlic paste. Grind the onions and the roasted ground nuts, nuvvulu and the jeera seeds.

Heat oil in a pan and add jeera seeds, seesame seeds and urad daal and then add the above mixture to it. Let it cook for 5 mins and now add the egg plants chunks that you have cut. Add salt and chilli powder as per your taste. Cook it for about 15 to 20 mins. You tastey bagara baingan is ready. This is best eaten with bagara rice which is kind of a Biryani cooked in the telangana region of Andhra Pradesh. But tastes good with plain rice as well as Roti.

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