Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baked Fish.

My daughter just loves fish. Till now fish has been the only thing that she eat without any fussing. So I thought I would make it a habit to cook fish on Sundays. This Sunday we had the time change thing happening and I forgot about it entirely. By the time I reached my farmer's market there was nothing open. So I had to do all my shopping at the near by Safeway and by the time I came home it was almost 2. So I hardly had any time to cook. But my daughter already got the hint that I was going to make fish and started asking for it. I didn't want to disappoint her so I tried my version of baked fish which literally did not take any time except the time for baking and didn't need too much preparation. It tasted very good just like the fish fry that my mom makes back home. This is how I made it.

Fish pieces
Ginger Garlic Paste
Chilli powder
Masala Powder

Mix all the above ingredients and let them marinade for a few minutes. Take a tray and place the fish pieces on it. Pre heat the oven to 400 F. Bake the fish for about 25 to 30 mins. I used Talapia fillets for frying. But i guess any kind of fish can be used in its place.